
Six years

Some things have changed a lot in the last two years since I wrote about Asher, most things have stayed the same.

We are in a very different place as a family, geographically and my job but more than that we are in a better place spiritually this year than we have been in a very long time. We had to go through some very tough times to get to where we are right now but I can honestly say there is joy and peace in our home in a way that I can only explain with a renewed passion for Christ in Heather and myself.

We both have found hope in an idea that first came to us through a tshirt my father started wearing after a friend of his gave it to him. The idea is to imagine heaven (the shirt has just those two words printed across the front). I know for me personally this idea - (this post was left at this spot unfinished, the rest that follows I chose to add in 2013)

The idea of imagine Heaven first appealed to me because I could look forward to the day when I would see my son again. It still holds that same appeal but something has been added as I've grown closer to the Lord over the past years. I now look forward with great anticipation and I imagine Heaven as the amazing promise of spending eternity with Jesus, spending forever with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

I still look forward with great longing to the day when I can see Asher again, when I can speak to him, laugh with him in that perfect peace and joy that Heaven will be. I still look forward to seeing my cousin Mike, my cousin Wade. I look forward to seeing grandma Lilley, grandma Strang and grandpa Strang, Heather's own Papa Trukki. I also know however and I rejoice in the knowledge that Heaven is not made for our family reunions, it is made for us to spend eternity in the presence of God, worshiping Him and living, really living as we are made to live, in perfect fellowship with our Father.

Imagine Heaven

Really, just try, you can't come close.

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